Create funny emails, business emails or greeting card templates and share them with the rest of us.
I have fun making up funny email messages and maybe you will too. If you think you can whip some up, then use the box below to submit your own creations to me. If they pass the "Good Family Fun" test, then I'll post them on this site and give you credit for them.
Other people will be able to use your funny creations.
If they need some modifying, then I may suggest you do that before I post them.
Go to Funny Email Messages and read over my examples first if you need to. Then use the same format to lay out your templates and then paste them in the box below and submit them. (Make sure you let me know which of the 3 types they are if it isn't quite obvious.)
How creative are you?
Have you built your own "Funny Email" Template or modified one of mine? If you have, share it with us. I'll give you YOUR OWN WEB PAGE to put it on and people will be able to comment on it.
Build your own funny email by first looking at the examples on this page where I have posted my templates.
Go to the Business Email page for more funny examples of this type.
You can also go to the Greeting Cards page and see more examples of "funny email type" verses that you can create and use in various types of cards.
CLICK HERE to return to the Fun Things Dot Com home page.
This site is all about having fun. Make sure you haven't missed some of the different ways I do that. Click above to go to the home page.
Please note that the "What's New?" section below is updated whenever something I think is funny comes along, therefore some of these "New" blogs further down the page may already have been replaced by the time you click on them!
Mar 04, 24 12:00 AM
Dec 15, 23 07:20 PM
Mar 03, 23 12:00 AM
Jul 09, 22 12:00 AM
Oct 24, 21 12:00 AM
Check out the page above. You might have missed something!