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Please note that the "What's New?" section below is updated whenever something I think is funny comes along, therefore some of these "New" blogs further down the page may already have been replaced by the time you click on them!

What's New?

  1. Most Recent Joke

    Mar 04, 24 12:00 AM

    Check out the latest smile here!

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  2. Funny Quotes

    Dec 15, 23 07:20 PM

    This page consists of funny quotes that somebody else said while I wish it had been me!

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  3. Don't Worry - Be Happy

    Mar 03, 23 12:00 AM

    Need a "pick-me-up"? Here's a singalong song that you can easily participate in. Join me in the video as the words are included. It'll be the second song on the page

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  4. Tom Dooley

    Jul 09, 22 12:00 AM

    Got bored and decided to redo this song with a different presentation. Have a look if you're curious. (You can sing along with it as well!)

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  5. Going Way Back In Rock And Roll - Dede Dinah

    Oct 24, 21 12:00 AM

    Here's an oldie for you that was done originally by Frankie Avalon (before he met Anette)! Sing along if you want.

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Before You Go...

Check out the page above. You might have missed something!